Posts Tagged ‘Back-to-School’

Prepare for Back to School with Paran Homes

August is back-to-school month in Georgia! At Paran Homes, we know it’s an exciting time for you and your family. It’s also a great time to start goal-setting and making your intentions clear regarding what standards you’d like to set for the school year.

Is your little one starting school for the first time this year and needs to understand that their daily routine will have the most transformation? Or are your children older and only need a box of pens and a new backpack to get started? Are you planning to foster better communication with your child’s teachers and coaches about upcoming dates and important events?

Whatever your plans are for this school year, we know change can be challenging. That’s why we created a short list of tips to get you excited about completing your tasks and prioritizing what’s most important.

Mom helping son with homework ©

Communication is Key

It is vital that as a parent you stay informed about important dates, events, and any changes in school policies so your family can be prepared for the day. Communicating with your child’s teachers/coaches by scheduling parent-teacher conferences, or sending an email can be the difference between a slight misunderstanding and a complete due date mishap. Keeping communication consistent and open is especially important for last-minute school closures, updates to policies like the Dress Code and Student Code of Conduct, and potential emergencies.

Re-establish Routines

No matter how old your child is, they will still have an adjustment period from their summertime schedule to their school schedule. Help your child transition into school by gradually adjusting their sleep schedule and meal times. Make sure to set boundaries for when they can grab snacks, play outside, and complete chores. This will allow them to re-establish or define their routines so their assignments are finished and the goal for each day is achieved.

Back to School Tips ©Monkey Business Images

Check School Supplies

We know the school supply aisles in office stores and supermarkets are packed at this time of year. Before you load the kids in the car, double-check the supply list the school provides to ensure they have the necessary items before the first day of class. Additionally, for older students, don’t forget to review the syllabus from each of their teachers to ensure they have what they need for each course. Remember, making sure your child has what they need helps them stay prepared for assignments and projects that can affect their grades and keeps them on track with their peers.

Encourage Emotional Support

Although you might be ready to get your child out of the house and back to full-time learning, going back to school can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for kids. Offer emotional support and reassurance to ease any anxiety they may be feeling about going back to school. Make sure you take the time to listen to their concerns, big or small, and provide advice if necessary. Sometimes just being heard and understood can do a world of good for kids, and it helps them feel more confident about communicating how they are processing an upcoming change.

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Going back to school doesn’t have to be stressful this year for you or your family. Keep these tips from Paran Homes in mind as you prepare for the next shift in your routine! And if you’re looking to upgrade your home this school year, contact us today to schedule a tour and ask about our new homes!